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Intuitive Energy Healings

As an intuitive and empath, Diana offers in-person or distant energy healings for those of you who are struggling, stuck, dealing with toxic relationships, physical and emotional imbalances to help you move through the crossroads, transitions and changes in your life.  During these sessions, Diana will take you into a relaxed state where your conscious mind is out of the way, call in your Guides and channel healing energy using various hands-off methods and tools to support you in removing and clearing blockages which may be holding you back from stepping into your authentic life and living in the eternal flow of Divine energy.


All healings are available In-Person or distance for 45 minutes - 1 hour:


Investment:  45 minutes-1 hour Healing $120AUD





Once you have booked in for an Intuitive Healing, you will receive a booking confirmation email within 48 hours together with details about your appointment!

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