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About Me

Since day one, we’ve been working tirelessly in order to expand our product offerings and make our customers experience even better. We’re proud of how far we’ve come, yet remain committed to performing even better.

As an Intuitive Healer, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Wiccan Minister my Soul Purpose it to stand with you at the Crossroad and hold space for you as you transition into your authentic life.


As a child I was extremely sensitive an intuitive.  I would always know when something was happening to a loved one, my sibling suffered a terrible illness and my intuition saved her life many times.  I had so many experiences during my early life with sensing and hearing spirits and just knowing things, this scared my family.  My childhood was not a nourishing one so I became an emotional recluse early on.  To appease my family, I spent much of my life ignoring my intuition and trying to ignore the spirits I seen and heard.  In doing this I was not being my true self.  I was seen as the odd one, so I spent my young life retreating into myself.


I grew up in a Catholic family, I loved the Ritual of Church I was a devoted follower but not in the sense of most Christian followers.  I remember having a strong sense of the Ritual not feeling right, it felt very different to what I felt it should be.  I didn’t realise it at the time but these moments were the first outward expressions of remembering a past life as a Priestess living in a Temple.


My dear Uncle Gary was my first teacher, he travelled the world and when he come home, he had many tales about faraway places, he would tell me about religions in different parts of the world that he had visited, he talked to me about Soul journeys and karma, I was a sponge, I loved the diversity of faith, I loved my time with him.  He taught me to meditate and connect with the Divine.  As I got older the call to serve Goddess was there.  I wasn’t sure in what capacity yet as I was consumed with my babies at that time so it remained under the surface but it was there in the way I lived. I believed that individuals had to walk the path that served their Soul Growth, that life is a continual cycle of learning and growing spiritually.


I was on a mission to find myself and set myself free karmically.  We all have our karmic lessons as part of our Soul growth and one of mine is Spiritual and Earth life balance, it has been a challenge for me all of my life.  I felt I may be more successful in mastering a better life if I could consciously forgive and accept all that had happened to me as part of my lessons and in order to be free from them.  This was a mountainous challenge I had given myself at a very young age, although I became skilled in forgiveness I had yet to learn the valuable lesson of saying that’s not ok.


My Uncle taught me that Earth is like a school; we are all on the path that will serve our Soul growth, we have all been on the path where we needed to be led and we will all reach the level where we walk alone with Divinity, it is part of Soul growth.  I would later learn all about this School for the Soul from a Powerful teacher and healer Shakti Durga.


I began studying different modalities of Healing so that I would have to tools to help myself.  I continued with my studies for many years and I embraced it all.  I had a lot of experiences in my sleep, I would be taken from my body and taught how to work with energy in ways that I have not learnt here on this plane.  The grids of energy are amazing and so powerful.  My teachers in the other realm always come into my healings and work with me.


When I was led to a teacher of Wicca it completely changed my life, that is when the intense spiritual growth began to accelerate.  This is when my past life recalls really began in earnest.  I began having visions of a few past lives, one in particular played out over a year.  I felt like a had stepped into myself, it was like putting on a perfect fitting glove.  When I was in my Priestess self, I was free.


On the day of initiation, after the first year of diligent study, I meditated that morning in preparation for Ritual later that night.  During my meditation I was taken from by body and transported to another place where I met Goddess Cerridwen, I felt Her energy before I really seen Her.  This experience was so surreal, Goddess Cerridwen talked to me for a while, I had a sense of what was said. She was talking to my Soul.  Goddess Cerridwen placed Her hand upon my head and initiated me to work for Goddess.  She cleared my energy field and put a powerful protection shield around me.


Whilst my life has taken many turns since these vows were given, standing at the Crossroads was a painful experience, I went into a sabbatical for a few years due to major trauma.  During this time, I feared for my life, I was in a very unsafe situation.  Life takes amazing turns and I spent the next year living in an Ashram.  Goddess has protected me and put the right people in my path to keep me safe in every aspect during the dark night of my Soul Growth.


In the months ahead my intuition returned and became sharper, I was devoted in my truth and would never leave my path, however, I was still afraid to return to my vocation, I felt like I had let Goddess down.  But every path leads me back to the crossroad and I hear Her calling me.  The call is strong and unrelenting, I hear Her call my name when I walk down my hallway past my Temple.  Goddess made it clear to me that I had learnt all I needed to learn from that path, it is now time to move on.  I understand now, I was experiencing Soul growth, I was not weak, I did not fail Her.


Goddess does not leave us to get through hard times alone.  She provides all we need to be held through these times if only we choose to reach out and ask for support.  My journey has taken me down many paths and I have learnt so much from each of them.


I am now free and able to follow through on the promise I made to do the work She prepared me for.  I leant to open my heart and be aware of my inner power and Her Love.  I am Blessed to have had the support I had during this experience.  I am as devoted as ever to Goddess.  I feel at home here, I belong with Her, this is where contentment is.


I have learnt to stand in my power and love the life I have.  I am all that I need, to know this brings me immense happiness and security.  There is nothing that I have to change to feel fulfilled.  Hecate has taught me this, I step into Her Cauldron of Transformation often and I absorb all that I am.  


May your journey be Blessed



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